School Circulars

Title Date Download View
Practical date sheet(2025)1/11/2025DownloadView
069 Holiday on Lohri & Change in school timin1/11/2025DownloadView
Date Sheet for Annual Examination IX & XI1/11/2025DownloadView
050 Important notice regarding school leave12/7/2024DownloadView
046 Registration open for Kindergarten Sessio12/7/2024DownloadView
045 Holiday on an account of Maharishi Valmi12/7/2024DownloadView
044 Holiday due to Election of Gram Panchayat12/7/2024DownloadView
043 PTM of October & Result Declaration12/7/2024DownloadView
042 School remain closed on account of Gandhi12/7/2024DownloadView
041 reminder for Parents and Students regardi12/7/2024DownloadView
038 School Timings during Term - I Examinatio12/7/2024DownloadView
037 regarding ERP credentials to parents12/7/2024DownloadView
036 Meeting with President12/7/2024DownloadView
035 PTM of September & Reminder for the Pendi12/7/2024DownloadView
034 Reminder for the Pending Dues & Fine12/7/2024DownloadView
033 Holiday on Account of Teacher's Day12/7/2024DownloadView
047 regarding fee payment on ERP app12/7/2024DownloadView
048 Regarding School Uniform12/7/2024DownloadView
Regarding Practical Classes XI & XII Science12/7/2024DownloadView
Circular 018 Regarding New Traffic Rule by Po12/7/2024DownloadView
059 Holidays on account of Martyrdom day of S12/7/2024DownloadView
058 Regarding Common Efficiency Test12/7/2024DownloadView
057 Change in school timings12/7/2024DownloadView
056 Last Saturday Working12/7/2024DownloadView
055 Reminder for the Pending Dues & Fine12/7/2024DownloadView
053 Holidays on account of Guruparab & Martyr12/7/2024DownloadView
053 Discount in admission fee for siblings (B12/7/2024DownloadView
052 PTM for the month of November12/7/2024DownloadView
051 Circular regarding Diwali Break & change 12/7/2024DownloadView
049 Regarding Last Saturday working12/7/2024DownloadView
032 Regarding Practical Examination12/7/2024DownloadView
031 Last Saturday off12/7/2024DownloadView
030 Reminder for the Pending Dues & Fine12/7/2024DownloadView
013 PTM & Result Declaration of May Exam12/7/2024DownloadView
012 Summer Break & PTM for May Result Declara12/7/2024DownloadView
011 Regular Classes after May Exam, 202412/7/2024DownloadView
010 School Timings during May Examination, 2012/7/2024DownloadView
009 School Timings during May Examination, 2012/7/2024DownloadView
008 Holiday on account of Lord Parshuram Jaya12/7/2024DownloadView
007 Reminder for the Pending Dues12/7/2024DownloadView
006 Holiday on account of Labour Day (revised12/7/2024DownloadView
005 Last Saturday Working12/7/2024DownloadView
005 April Last Saturday off12/7/2024DownloadView
004 School Timings on Durga Ashtmi and Holida12/7/2024DownloadView
003 Regarding PTM and baisakhi - id-ul-fitr- 12/7/2024DownloadView
001 Circular regarding Result Declaration & C12/7/2024DownloadView
014 School reopens and timings12/7/2024DownloadView
015 Reminder for the Pending Dues12/7/2024DownloadView
016 PTM Circular12/7/2024DownloadView
029 Holiday on Janmashtmi12/7/2024DownloadView
028 regarding emergency leaves and dress cod12/7/2024DownloadView
027 regarding circular for late fee fine12/7/2024DownloadView
026 Regarding Olympiad12/7/2024DownloadView
025 Holiday on Raksha Bandhan12/7/2024DownloadView
024 Holiday on Inpendence day12/7/2024DownloadView
023 PTM - August12/7/2024DownloadView
022 Regarding Two wheelers12/7/2024DownloadView
021 School open for Folk Dance Practice12/7/2024DownloadView
020 Student's Holiday due to Workshop12/7/2024DownloadView
020 Holiday due to Workshop12/7/2024DownloadView
019 Reminder for the Pending Dues12/7/2024DownloadView
017 Reminder for the Pending Dues12/7/2024DownloadView
002 Commencement of New Session with timings12/7/2024DownloadView